Sunflower Seeds & Leanseed Sliced Loaf Raise your normal loaf of bread up a level with our new...
Imagine those delicious bakery smells and the taste of warm, fresh home-baked bread – without all the hard...
If you want a little taste of America at home, then these toasting waffles are the perfect treat...
An irresistible pre-sliced brioche loaf. With a super-soft texture and a gentle sweet taste, it’s perfect for all...
Pre-sliced, deliciously soft brioche buns, ready to be filled with your favourite burger. With a golden, plump texture...
Made using an authentic French recipe, these All Butter Croissants are the perfect way to start any day....
Hand made 3 naan bread. Tastes great with curries, kebabs and wrap sandwiches.  
Individually Wrapped Perfect for lunch boxes.
Showing: 13-24 of 26