Brand: Purina

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£2.49 2.49

Adult Chicken with Country Vegetables Dry Dog Food

The recipe for Adult Chicken with Country Vegetables has been made with a variety of tender* meaty chunks & wholegrains for quality, tasty goodness. Each meal contains the every day nutrients your dog needs to get on with all the playful & cheeky things that happy & healthy BAKERS dogs do!

Cereals (wholegrains 55%*), Meat and animal derivatives (15%**), Derivatives of vegetable origin, Oils and fats, Vegetable protein extracts, Glycerol, Vegetables*** (0,3% dried pea and 0,3% dried carrot), Minerals, Propylene glycol.

*including min. 4% wheat and 4% maize
**equivalent to 30% rehydrated meat and animal derivatives, with min. 14% beef
***equivalent to 4% rehydrated vegetables